
Katılım: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Points needed: 74
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Bilardo 8 - 2009

Bilardo 8 - 2009

Bilardo 8 - 2009
1 yıl 47 gün önce


Here I go again bloging about something that bugs me but probably no one else, but I do not care when something bugs me I blog lol. I have made similar blogs in the past, and it all steams back to the same topic. Why does the entertainment field keep trying to change established franchises to please people who whine about different races or colors not being represented enough to please them. My problem with the whole thing is stories, movies, books. any form of creative entertainment should be left as the writer intended it to be.
I am not saying that EVERYONE should not get their chance to act in good roles, BUT DANG IT WRITE NEW STORIES THAT FIT THE CHARACTERS YOU WANT TO REPRESENT. Do not rip off someone else's work and change the characters in it just because you think a certain sector is not getting represented enough. I have said before how much I hate this thing of changing originally male roles into females. And yes I will probably step on a few more toes with this one. I do not think the characters that started out one race or color should be rewritten as a different one, just because the people making the movies now are either too lazy or not creative enough to wright something new centered around the character they wish to portray.
How is this any different then someone wearing a piece of clothing or a hair style that was originated by someone from a different country. People get mad about that, but it is ok to steal the work someone else wrote and change the sex or color of the main character and call it your own. I saw today they are even messing with a character from scooby doo. WHY CAN PEOPLE NOT JUST WRIGHT SOME NEW STUFF AND LEAVE THE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS ALONG? I would love to see some new stories with new exciting characters. There is no need to rob from the established franchises and try to ride on their reputation. You saw how well that worked with that ghost busters movie with an all girl cast that had no link to the original characters.
Please people who what to make movies DO SOMETHING NEW AND ORIGINAL.